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Class 3 Entrance Exam Syllabus for the 2025-26 (Academic Session)

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SVPS Entrance Exam Pattern for Admission to Class 3 for the Session 2025-26 (syllabus )
सत्र 2025-26 के लिए कक्षा 3 में प्रवेश हेतु प्रवेश परीक्षा पैटर्न (पाठ्यक्रम)।
1. MATHS-40 Marks Time: 45 Minutes
  1. Successor & Predecessor of a no, and finding difference of them.
  2. Ascending and descending orders of a group of numbers.
  3. Money-problem based on it.
  4. Metric System – Addition, subtraction base on it.
  5. Expanded forms of numbers.
  6. Finding sum & difference between the largest and the smallest no formed of given digits.
  7. Writing a no. in words and figures.
  8. Geometrical shapes with properties

2. ENGLISH- 25 Marks Time: 30 Minutes
  1. Rearranging of letters to make sensible words.
  2. Number & Gender
  3. Vocab- Antonym, Synonym, One word for many, writing the Hindi and English meaning of the given words.
  4. Use of ‘a’ and ‘an’
  5. Use of helping verbs.
  6. Tense – Inter change of tense present to past, past to present.
  7. Paragraph – Write a paragraph on the given topics.

(i) Your Family (ii) Daily Routine (iii) Garden (iv) Your Country (v) Indian Farmer

  1. Note: Prescribed Book –
  • (1) Candid English Grammar-II
  • (2) Rainbow Essay & Letters-I
3. SCIENCE 20 Marks Time: 25 Minutes
  1. Seasons
  2. Health and hygiene
  3. States of Matter
  4. Parts of a plant.
  5. Types of plants of animals on the basis of their habitat.
  • Note: Prescribed Book – (1) Prachi Science-1
4. HINDI 15 Marks Time: 20 Minutes
  1. संज्ञा परिभाषा एवं भेद
  2. लिंग परिवर्तन, वचन परिवर्तन, शब्द शुद्धिकरण
  3. विलोम शब्द
  4. पर्यायवाची शब्द
  5. पशु-पक्षियों की बोलियाँ
  6. 5-6 वाक्यों में अनुच्छेद लेखन।

Note: निर्धारित पुस्तक सहज हिन्दी व्याकरण एवं रचना |