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Class 5 Entrance Exam Syllabus for the 2025-26 (Academic Session)

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Entrance Exam Pattern for Admission to Class 5 for the Session 2025-26 (syllabus ) –
सत्र 2025-26 के लिए कक्षा 5 में प्रवेश हेतु प्रवेश परीक्षा पैटर्न (पाठ्यक्रम)।
1. MATHS-40 Marks Time: 45 Minutes
  1. Conversion of various units like liter, meter, Kg, Second and Coinage
  2. Profit & Loss
  3. Definition of Geometrical terms
  4. Unitary method
  5. Fractional Numbers.
  6. Problems based on LCM and HCF
  7. Simplification of Roman Numerals

Note: Prescribed Book Maths Step IV

2. ENGLISH- 25 Marks Time: 30 Minutes
  1. Word Formation by suffixing & prefixing.
  2. Antonym, Synonym one word for many
  3. Use of Articles and preposition.
  4. Voice.
  5. Sentence Parts & Kinds.
  6. Adjectives and Verbs kinds and their indication in sentences.
  7. Interchange of sentences Affirmative to negative, interrogative and vice-versa. Composition-Paragraph & Story writing.

Note: Prescribed Book Candid English Grammar-IV

3. SCIENCE 20 Marks Time: 25 Minutes
  1. Force, Work, Energy.
  2. States of Matter.
  3. Air & Water
  4. Weather Phenomena
  5. Teeth and microbes.
  6. Reproduction in animals.
  7. food and digestion.
  8. Plants Our food producers.
  9. Adaptation in plants & animals.

Note: Prescribed Book-Prachi Science-IV

4. HINDI 15 Marks Time: 20 Minutes
  1. विलोम, पर्यायवाची युग्म शब्द, मुहावरे |
  2. लिंग एवं वचन परिभाषा, भेद एवं लिंग तथा रचना परिवर्तन |
  3. विशेषण-भेद एवं परिभाषा |
  4. रचना के उधार पर शब्द भेद परिभाषा उदाहरण के साथ |
  5. कारक – चिन्ह एवं भेद |
  6. रचना अनुच्छेद एवं लेखन |

Note: निर्धारित पुस्तक रत्नसागर हिन्दी व्याकरण एवं रचना |